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Monday, 5 August 2013

About The Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO)

futo1.jpgThe Federal University of Technology, Owerri FUTO. Was established in Nigerian as one of the three federal University of Technology in Nigeria that were to be established in 1980 under the leadership of President shehu shagari.

The Federal University of Technology Owerri FUTO was one of the university set up for each geo political zones, in order to increase skills, innovations and technologically oriented manpower for the technology based of Nigerian national economy. FUTO made landmark as Nigeria’s first University of Technology, retaining its identity when, in 1984, the Buhari government merged the Federal University of Technology Bauchi with Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and federal University of Markudi, with the University of Jos.  First Vice chancellor Prof Umaru. D. Gomwalk. Full Academic programmes began in October 1981/82 with a total number of 255, comprising 202 males and 23 females students, all enrolled in the ‘school of Natural and Applied science’ now called ‘school of science’( SOSC). SINCE 1988.

Currently the Academic structure of the University Consist of Six schools and a total of about 45 departments. The University runs four programmes which includes

University Programmes

  1. The Pre-degree programme

  2. Regular programme

  3. Sandwich programme

  4. Post Graduate Programme

All courses have a minimum of five years for the Regular Programme

Schools and Departments



The range of research activities at FUTO is broad and deep. Futo scholars conduct in research in almost every field, and seek to expand human knowledge  through analysis, innovation, and insight. Researchers include faculty members, visiting scholars. Post-doctoral fellows, and graduate and undergraduate students, and they collaborate with colleagues across the university, and at other research institutions

Centre for Energy and Power Systems Research (CEPSR)

Institute of Erosion Studies (IES)

Center for Research and International Development (CRID)

Centre for Agricultural Research (CAR)

Office of University Development (OUD)

There is intensive collaboration with leading university network, among researchers and with public agencies and business community in Africa and internationally.

Location: Owerri, Imo state Nigeria

Campus: Urban

Current Vice-chancellor: Prof C.C Asiabaka






Futo Academic Score

  1.  Grade Point (GP) – the Grade Point derives from the actual percentage, raw score for a given course; the raw score is converted into letter grade (A to F) and a grade point (5 to 0).

  2. Total Grade Point (TGP) – this derives from multiplying the grade point by the unit per course.

  3. Total Number of Unit (TNU)- this is obtained by adding up all the units taken by the student in the semester

  4. Grade-Point Average (GPA)- Performance in any semester is reported in Grade Point Average. The GPA is obtained by multiplying the GP attained in each courses by the number of Unit assigned to that course and then summing these up and dividing by the total number of units taken for the semester.

  5. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)-  this is the up-to-date mean of the Grade Point earned  by the student in a programme of study. It is an indication of the students overall performance at any point in training programme. To compute the CGPA, total GP  multiplied by the trespective Course Unit for all the semesters are added and then divided by the total number of unit  for all courses registered by the student.